Today marks the 101st anniversary of the creation of the modern police organization and the 100th anniversary of the creation of the internal military.
In Mongolia, the 101st anniversary of the establishment of the modern police organization, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the internal military, and the "Day of the police and internal military servicemen" were held at the Central Stadium.
In Mongolia, the 101st anniversary of the establishment of the modern police organization, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the internal military, and the "Day of the police and internal military servicemen" were held at the Central Stadium. At the meeting of the People's Government on July 19, 1921, the issue of the police was discussed, and the Police Organization, which originated from the "Fifteenth Police", was included in the Ministry of Military Affairs and named "Police Force", which is the history of the origin of the modern police organization.
Also, by the decision of July 16, 1922, in order to protect the office buildings and dungeons of the Department of Internal Defense, 13 warriors who participated honestly in the revolution were selected from the First Cavalry Committee of the People's Orderly Military and the first special unit was established, which is one of the oldest military organizations of the current Mongolian state. It has a history of being the origin and foundation of the Internal Military. Prime Minister of Mongolia L. Oyun-Erdene, Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia S. Amarsaikhan and representatives of other departments participated in the ceremony.
On this occasion, Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene congratulated the entire staff of the branch and wished them success in their future endeavors. All of you who faithfully committed to your oath to your country are the heroes of the peacetime.
The Mongolian people, state and government are always proud of the police and domestic military servicemen who have vowed to lay down their golden lives for the sacred cause of protecting the country and people from crime, danger, and accidents, creating a system of social justice, and ensuring human rights and freedom. The Mongolian government will protect its police and internal military personnel and sworn detectives. I am confident that the police and internal military organizations will consolidate their historical achievements of the past century and perpetuate their great deeds in the coming century."
In his opening speech, Chief of the General Police Department, Commander of the Internal Military, Major General J. Bold said, "The police and internal military organizations during their historical development have the responsibility of strengthening the independence of Mongolia and ensuring national security before the government and the people. It has a rich history of fulfilling honorably.
We will strengthen the achievements of the previous century, improve our activities in line with the global development trends in the new century, strengthen the continuity of the elderly-middle-aged-young generation, educate and practice the younger generation, and give importance to the inheritance of traditions and order. reiterates that it will be loyal to the oath it took to ensure peace and security and honorably fulfill its obligations. I wish you and your families, who have jointly created the history of 101 years of modern police organization and 100 years of development of the Internal Military, and wish you happiness, health, and the best of work.
There are more than 12,000 police and internal military personnel working throughout Mongolia, and during the event, representatives of the Metropolitan Police Department participated. During the event, a ceremonial parade of the police, internal military, and special department officers, 128 wrestlers with national titles, a paratrooper performance, a special police department performance, a hand-to-hand combat performance, a dog school performance, and an art performance were organized.